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The madness of the founding of the Maradonian Church in Cholula

Nota: Este contenido tiene una versión en español

Marcelo Salvador Buchet, founded the Maradonian Church of Mexico, in Cholula Puebla. Following a series of events such as the deaths of family and friends and, ultimately, his idol Diego Armando, he died on the same day as his daughter’s birthday.

It took him eight months to give shape to the space destined to be a tribute to his idol.

It took him eight months to give shape to the space that he destined to be a tribute to Maradona and the people who passed by and noticed it, told him he was crazy.

“A moral,” Marcelo says, is that those who were skeptical and criticized him, seeing the success and the turnout, now say they are his friends.

Facade of the Maradonian Church of Mexico, located in Cholula, Puebla. (Photo: Juan Carlos Sánchez Díaz)

Maradona and the Argentines

A year after the death of the idol. People in Argentina, while growing up, learned to admire and follow Maradona, very few criticize him, according to Marcelo. Although he has detractors, just because of the drug and harassment scandals.

However, he prefers to focus on the positive side. He claims that the idol fed a lot of people, that he had a great love for his parents and always helped his friends.

This same trend has been followed in the Buchet family, since before the creation of the Maradonian Church and has increased with it.

The Maradonian Church is a place where there are permanent talks to help young people to get off drugs.

In this space, there are permanent talks to help young people to get off drugs. Also, he constantly gathers food to take to marginalized areas of this and other states, where he distributes it from house to house.

It’s parody, but not offense

The Maradonian Church of Mexico, says Marcelo, does not intend to offend or insult anyone; in fact, he has seen how people have accepted it quite well, despite being in a municipality with more than 300 Catholic churches.

The Maradonian Church of Mexico, says Marcelo, does not intend to offend or insult anyone; in fact, he has seen how people have accepted it quite well, despite being in a municipality with more than 300 Catholic churches.

In a symbolic way, people can get married, be baptized or perform any symbolic act, which will be well received. They do not ask for tithes, they do not ask for dues, they only receive from whoever wishes, donated food.

When attending, you can live together, talk about soccer, and do not need to consume, that is, right there they give you coffee or mate.

This is what the Maradonian Church is like




Juan Carlos Sánchez

Periodista. INVESTIGACIÓN | ANÁLISIS | FOTOGRAFÍA | VIDEO | RRSS. Master en Periodismo y Comunicación Digital por la UAB. Maestro en Comunicación y Medios Digitales por la UDLAP.

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